ESE & Senseo Pads online now

Caffesso ESE & Senseo pads are soon to be in stock and ready to be shipped. Both products will have a Medium and Dark Roast blend to suit your taste buds.

ESE (Easy Serve Espresso) - These coffee pads can be used with popular coffee machine brands such as Delonghi, Krups, and more. ESE pads are similar to our coffee bags but the ground coffee is tightly packed in to replicate something similar to our Nespresso compatible capsules. The machine then does the work for you in the same way, the water is forced through the bag at a certain pressure and your cup collects the perfect Espresso without the need of a capsule.

Senseo - These coffee pads require a Senseo coffee pod machine which allows for a freshly brewed coffee in no time at all at home or in your workplace. As with most machines, press a button and your coffee with be automatically poured for you. The cost of Senseo machines can be more cost effective and as the pads come in a similar format to the ESE, there is no plastic or aluminium waste, just a compostable paper bag.

If you have access to either of these styles of machines then give these a try.

We are providing both ESE and Senseo in commercially packaged options, so if you are a business please also get in touch so we can discuss your requirements.

Caffesso ESE coffee pod

Our new machines are here


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